Ap­pe­lla­tion of Ro­sé wi­nes

Still ro­sé wi­nes

The­se are ob­tai­ned th­rough a so ca­lled “blee­ding” pro­cess. That is to say, the red gra­pe is pres­sed and the skin left for so­me hours in con­tact with the must un­til the de­si­red ro­sé co­lor is ob­tai­ned.


Spar­kling ro­sé wi­nes

On the con­trary to still wi­nes, the­se are ob­tai­ned by means of what is known as “co­lor mat­ching”.  That is, a red wi­ne is ad­ded to the whi­te wi­ne ba­se in or­der to get the pink co­lor fo­llo­wing the­reaf­ter, the ma­nu­fac­tu­ring pro­cess. This is the ca­se of ro­sé cham­pag­ne.

In Fran­ce, the most outs­tan­ding ro­sé wi­nes are pro­du­ced in the re­gions of the Loi­re Va­lley, South Rho­ne and Cô­tes de Pro­ven­ce. 


Loi­re Va­lley

This re­gion is ho­me of one of the most fa­mous ro­sé wi­nes in the world: Ro­sé d´An­jou. This wi­ne is pro­du­ced in the cen­tral part of the va­lley in An­jou. It is a bright sal­mon pink co­lo­red wi­ne and pro­du­ced mainly from Ga­may and Gro­lleau gra­pes. Its fruit-li­ke cha­rac­ter re­minds of ri­pe fruits. Smooth in tex­tu­re and with an ap­pro­pria­te aci­dity, the wi­ne is pa­la­ta­ble plea­sant.


To go with: It can be ta­ken as an ape­ri­tif or it goes well with light chee­ses, chic­ken or whi­te fish and sea­food coo­ked in light sau­ces. 

Ser­vi­ce tem­pe­ra­tu­re: 12 to 14°C.



South Rho­ne

This re­gion fea­tu­res two of the most im­por­tant ro­sé wi­nes of Fran­ce and may­be of the world: Ta­vel and Li­rac. Both wi­nes are na­med af­ter the two towns whe­re the­se are pro­du­ced, and the lat­ter are lo­ca­ted up north of Avig­non. Ta­vel and Li­rac are wi­nes with ap­pe­lla­tion con­trô­leé pro­du­ced from Gar­na­cha and Mour­ve­dre gra­pes. Both are strong and rich in al­co­hol con­tent. Their in­ten­se pink co­lor along with their bluish hues is the re­sult of the­se two gra­pe va­rie­ties. These are wi­nes with an in­ten­se aro­ma, re­ca­lling ri­pe fruits with high­lights of plums and red cu­rrant. Pa­la­te spea­king, they rely on a good aci­dity le­vel, body and me­dium af­ter tas­te.


To go with: Poultry, pork, fish and sea­food coo­ked in sau­ces of in­ter­me­dia­te in­ten­sity.

Ser­vi­ce tem­pe­ra­tu­re: 14 to 16 °C.


Cô­tes de Pro­ven­ce

Ro­sé wi­nes from this re­gion are pro­du­ced from Gar­na­cha and Cin­sault gra­pes. They are dry, light and fresh wi­nes. Their co­lor va­ries from a pa­le to a strong pink hue. In the no­se the­se wi­nes re­mind us of red be­rries such as rasp­be­rries and cas­sis as well as ci­trus with an emp­ha­sis in pink gra­pe­fruit. All the­se aro­mas en­han­ced by an ele­gant fra­gran­ce of ro­ses. Dry wi­nes of a me­dium ran­ge aci­dity, light, fresh with a short end tas­te, but well ba­lan­ced.



Rosé Wines

• Ro­sé d’An­jou

• Ta­vel Rosé

• Li­rac

• Syrah Rosé


Text: Sommelier Georgina Estrada Gil ± Photo: La Catellana, Las Cavas de Francia, Archivo